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Decentralized or Dapps is Quickly Becoming Ubiquitous
There is an urgent need for industries to adapt themselves to the blockchain technology. The distributed ledger will make centralized applications obsolete. The Gartner Hype Cycle of 2017, predicts that blockchain will be part of our lives in the next…

All that talk by Blockchain taking over various industries, Hyperledger is executing it
Blockchain is a technology that has more applications than we know of, and we are yet to scratch the surface. Many projects utilize blockchain at its core like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger. In layman’s terms, Hyperledger is not an implementation…

Supply Chain Management has been taken to New Heights
Supply Chain Management is the art of managing the flow of goods and services that involve the storage of raw materials, inventory of finished products, and the point of consumption is the primary function of an SCM. In short, it…