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Industries that benefit from Blockchain Technology
The blockchain technology is a robust technology which bears resemblance to the internet of the 90s era, however, it is designed to impact the way we live, we function and the way we interact. Originally created for the regulation of…

How To Start An ICO And Build Your Own CryptoCoin or Token
ICOs are the hot topic of the day and deservedly so, because of their potential to be agile capital-raisers for coin creation at almost one fourth the cost of an IPO. ICOs can be looked upon as an alternative method…

5 Industries Blockchain Tech Will Have Definitive Impact On In 2018
Blockchain technology is the decentralized or distributed ledger technology used mainly to trade without any losses or middlemen. Blockchain technology in the financial sector uses cryptocurrencies to perform glitch-free transactions across channels and with any number of traders. There are…