Greencity ICO Dashboard
The client, Perfect from South Africa, wanted to create an ICO dashboard with multiple decentralized economic features focusing on green development in the African continent.

While there were numerous initiatives aimed at green development, most of them operated opaquely, which eroded trust in stakeholders.
Even if these projects utilized blockchain technology, the chances for investors to yield returns are considerably low.
Projects based on Carbon credits targeting African industrial businesses are very low in number, increasing their expenses of purchasing these certifications from external sellers.
We built a full-fledged ICO dashboard exclusively for green initiatives on the Ethereum network. We made sure that the application was fully decentralized and supplemented by token staking and vesting features. We also developed mobile applications for the dashboard for both Android and iOS devices.
Kotlin (Android)
Swift (iOS)
The platform created as a result comprised multiple decentralized finance provisions attached to green development. The platform allows investors to purchase tokens through its ICO dashboard and stake and vest tokens for returns while helping to reforest African forests.