What is ICO Marketing?
ICO marketing aids new projects aspiring to form a loyal following and raise necessary funds by conducting strategic promotions using multiple mediums. By promoting their ICO campaigns with our experts, projects can quickly achieve their initial business goals, as well as garner much-needed trust for them to stand tall in the competitive market.
Exclusive Guide for ICO Marketing
Pre-sale & Private sale of ICO
Post cryptocurrency development, these specially designed token sale events help raise the required funds before the final crowd sale.
Pre-sale & Private
sale of ICO
ICO listing
Listing your ICO in various ICO listing sites to reach a wider range of crypto investors. These sites are mediums for investors to do research before investing.
Appealing Website
A specially designed website that is easy to navigate and comprise all the information to help educate investors better.
Community building via Crypto forums
These blockchain forums comprising community members are the best space to discuss the company’s crypto coins and their features.
Community building
via Crypto forums
Airdrop Campaign
Companies offer free tokens to their projects active promoters. This is to create awareness amongst members and increase token holders.
Whitepaper creation
A dedicated document to provide investors with end-to-end details about the project, capital requirements, token division & distribution and more.
Social Media
The ICO projects visibility increases exponentially via social media platforms and similarly is a vibrant platform for promotion as well.
Social Media
Influencer marketing
Listing your ICO in various ICO listing sites to reach a wider range of crypto investors. These sites are mediums for investors to do research before investing.
Press Releases
Improving the ICO project with editorial and sponsored press releases in crypto-forums and websites.
Content marketing
A systematic & strategic marketing approach to ensure contents (Blog, PR, and Video content) posted add value, relevance, and consistency about your project across various platforms.
Offline Marketing
Increase your reputation by attending the very best crypto & blockchain events across the globe and our team will be available to support you.
Branding Kit
A consistent messaging across offline and online events is essential in creating effective, enhanced and reputable brand. This happens through our integrated marketing communication across various online and offline channels
Branding Kit
Launching an ICO successfully
Development of Cryptocurrency
It is important for any coin/token to be unique. The most common token is the Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens and has been instrumental in the rise of cryptocurrencies. The results are evident due to the enormous market capitalization of the cryptocurrency. At Blockchain App Factory, we develop cryptocurrencies in different blockchains such as :
- Ethereum
- Hyperledger
- Customized Blockchain for your application

Pre-sale & Private sale of ICO
Pre-Sale of ICO:
Token sale events are specially designed to raise the required funds before the final crowd sale. They are classified as Pre-sale of ICO and Private sale of ICO.
Some of the ICO expenses companies go through:
- Paid Advertisements
- Staff Recruitment
- Event Hosting
- Development of Smart Contracts
Private sale of ICO:
Private sale of ICO is an organized event where the attendees comprise company founders and the core team members converse their project with their advisors. They pitch their projects with various angel investors, institutional investors and VCs to convince them to fund their projects.

Whitepaper Creation
A whitepaper is the first step towards a successful ICO launch. It is a dedicated document developed solely to provide investors with every detail of the companies project. A whitepaper generally comprises the following content:
- Information on the idea or project
- Projects start & finish date
- Project or the ideas key milestone
- The competitive edge from the present competitors
- The required capital needed to commence/complete the project
- Token division & distribution
- Society benefits (if any)
- Team details
A well-written white paper can help your project meet the right investors and contributors.

Appealing website
The company should have an appealing website comprising all the information to help educate investors better. A website is the digital age address book and is by default expected to be present before ICO launch.
Ensure the following specifics are present on the website:
- An “About Us” page describing the company
- The project idea
- Detail information about the token
- ICO details
- A separate page for the Whitepaper
- Social media links: Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, Linkedin, and more
- Crypto community links like Bitcointalk, Cryptocurrencytalk, Bitcoingarden and more
- The terms and conditions
- Roadmap details
- Team details including team members photos and a short description
- Page comprising all the legal details and information
- A “Contact Us” page with details like address, email id, phone number etc.
Kindly ensure your website remains active with fresh content being posted/updated with project updates, press releases, key milestones updates and more.

Social Media profile creation
Social media is the new platform for reaching a wider audience and has a much better rate of investment return compared with traditional media techniques. Being active in social media shows investors your openness towards communication and interaction.
Some popular social media platforms:
- Reddit and more
Some popular social media platforms:
- Bitcointalk
- Cryptocurrency talk
- Bitcoingarden
- Cryptojunction and more

ICO - How to promote them?
Social Media profile creation
Crypto Forums are the best space to discuss the company’s crypto coins and their features. These blockchain forums comprise community members who are actively looking out for newer crypto coins and researching on potential investments.
Your impeccable marketing plan needs to keep the crypto community as its crucial focus. The community members interact with the threads, and this helps companies gain lots of insight knowledge of the community members views on the tokens and the companies project.
The members of the crypto forums are potential investors since a majority of them have invested in various other crypto coins. They are your target audience and your feedback source.
Some of the famous crypto communities:
Airdrop Campaign
What are they?
A famous marketing strategy, Airdrop campaign makes companies offer free tokens to the projects active promoters or the already registered users of a specific blockchain.
The idea behind the campaign is to make people learn about the companies project and to create community participation by giving them tokens. Another benefit of airdrop campaigns is to increase the token holders base beyond project founding team, their advisors and token holders from the earlier token sale.

Project listing on ICO listing sites and calendars
Crypto investors do a lot of research, looking for the next best ICO to engage in. They do this by visiting various ICO listing sites such as:
The idea behind the campaign is to make people learn about the companies project and to create community participation by giving them tokens. Another benefit of airdrop campaigns is to increase the token holders base beyond project founding team, their advisors and token holders from the earlier token sale.
- ICO Bench
- Coin Rating
- Smith & Crown
- ICO Drops
- Token Data
- ICO Data
- ICO Bazaar
- ICO Alert
- ICO Watch List
- ICO Hot List
- List ICO
- ICO Map
- ICO Champs
- ICO Tracker
- CoinGecko
- Token Schedule
- ICO Rating
- Token Market
- Coin Telegraph
- ICO Stream
- ICO Signal
- And more..
A list of current and upcoming ICOs are provided via ICO calendars. The crypto community and prospective investors via ICO calendar are made aware of the companies project.
Things to include while listing on an ICO calendar:
- The companies project name
- Their token details
- All details about the project
- The dedicated ICO website
- Contact Information
Note: The information varies between the ICO listing sites.
Platforms for ICO Advertising
Social Media
Social media is a great way to promote the ICO project due to its worldwide reach. Social media platforms help increase the ICO projects overall visibility and you can simultaneously promote to a substantial number of audience via paid services.
An engaging content would help garner great results in a restricted budget. The engaging content would help increase website visitors and further boost ICO investment prospects. A striking image coupled with an engaging content is sure to promote the post well.
Some of the leading social media platforms:

Email Marketing
Considered as a core marketing tool, email marketing can help establish a strong marketing game plan for your ICO. By collecting the necessary email addresses of potential investors and other crypto audience, a dedicated email comprising all the necessary details can be sent to them. The emails would even include the ICO projects social media pages and website link ensuring more visitors to the ICO website and social media pages.

Right Influencer Marketing
The crypto community has many outspoken ICO advisers and crypto influencers. Getting their reviews for your ICO campaigning would ensure a better reach to potential crypto investors since their inputs make the ICO stand out from the rest.

ICO Bounty Campaign
ICO bounties are rewards given by the companies of the ICO projects to persons for their unique contribution including ICO project promotion within crypto communities or blogs, reporting any unforeseen bugs within the website and more. Rewards can be in the form of free coins as well.

Press Releases
The reputation of projects is improvised due to the editorial & sponsored press releases in the crypto-news forums and websites. This increases the brand stature & value of your projects in the crypto-communities when reputed news agencies talk about your projects. These include:

Content Marketing
We use a strategic marketing approach to ensure that the content curated is focused on the addition of value, relevance, and consistency across various platforms. This attracts and retains your investors and users of the platform to drive your ICOs. The mediums we intend to target are:

Branding Kit for Offline events
We want to ensure a consistent message is communicated in the online as well as offline events. Presence in offline event enhances reputation and trust in the ICO with the crypto-enthusiasts and investors ready for on-the-spot deals. We ensure that our clients attend the best of the events across the globe. A Branding Kit would ensure the message is reached to the target audience with our resources at your disposal to help you out in the events.

Why the need for an online and offline presence?
ICO promotions have evolved to a stage where projects have to invest in online communities and offline events. We ensure that our clients stay updated to the latest ICO advertising trends, and we offer the best solutions. This is what makes us the top ICO advertising firm with experience across ICOs in various industries. Our marketing team has worked under highly constrained environments to deliver fundraising campaigns with a combined portfolio exceeding 700 million.

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